Sunday, August 16, 2015

Outlander: Ron D. Moore Reveals He Wants to 'Scare' Fans in Season Two
15 AUGUST 2015 12:01 AM

The show's executive producer has told fans that they shouldn't expect to know what he has in store during season two - even if they have read the books.

The next season of Outlander will be full of surprises, according to executive producer Ron D. Moore.

Although the first season of the award winning show closely followed Diana Gabaldon's Outlander novel, the next series is set to veer in a different direction.

Moore has told fans that they shouldn't expect to know what he has in store for them during season two - even if they have read the books.

According to Three If By Space, Moore said: "Fans are looking forward to certain things, and you want to satisfy that, and at the same time you want to surprise them, you want to catch them off guard, you want to scare them, like 'Oh my God, Frank's going up the hill! If he goes through time, I'm quitting watching the show!'"

"People across America are losing their minds. That's fantastic. I enjoy that."

The producer also refused to reveal how the new season will begin.

Fans of the time-travelling series will already know the second book, Dragonfly in Amber, kicks off in 1969.

However, the TV adaption for the second season could see the premiere to second season open in the 18th century.

Speaking to TV Goodness, Moore said: "I'm not going to say how we start.

"There are changes and differences; the second novel is more complex. It has a lot more puzzle pieces, a lot more moving parts."

In Dragonfly in Amber, Claire and Jamie Fraser flee Scotland for Paris to seek out Bonnie Prince Charlie.

Although much of the second book is based in France, the majority of the action still takes place in Scotland – much to the delight of tourism bosses.

1 comment:

  1. Really looking forward to being scairt by Ron D Moore. Bring it on. Tulach Ard!
