Monday, August 24, 2020

The Outlander Collector's End of Summer series... Four in the series...


Maril Davis starts the series chatting all things Outlander with Diana Gabaldon. Wait to the end of each video for a snippet from the Untold Stories, featured in the season 5 DVD due out September 15th 2020.

Donations are being requested, while viewing End of Summer series, for Doctors without Boarders campaign.... 


Series video 1, Maril Davis chats with Diana Gabaldon about book 9 and other related Jamie and Claire tidbits.

Series video 2, Dinner with John Bell Lauren Lyle and Theresa Carle-Sanders 

Series video 3, The Music of Outlander with Bear McCreary, Maria Kennedy Doyle, and Raya Yarbrough. 

Series video 4, Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan... find out from fan questions, what their favorite scenes were, who they'd trade places with, and what scenes they laughed through, from season 5!