Saturday, March 20, 2021

Outlander Behind the Scenes by Courtney Williams.. "Thoughts and Updates on Bee's by Diana G and Me"

Well, with all the new promotion coming out (of Starz) with characters for season six, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, along with new episodes of Men in Kilts, I have to be reminded when I'm dazzled by all this, (are they trying to distract us?) that it comes from and is inspired by my favorite book series.

Diana Gabaldon has mastered the key to our souls, that's the only logical explanation for her fans, (me) waiting half my lifetime for yet the next Outlander book that seem to come every 6 years give or take, since the mid 1990's! 

While I wait for any morsal of finality to what could be the largest book to date, the 9th book in the #OutlanderSaga "Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone", one of my favorite writers Courtney Williams of OutlanderBTS, reminds me with her very in depth blog about the making of "Bees, that impatience will not make it any better! 

Courtney responded to fan angst with a very thoughtful, detailed account of what goes into writing a new book for Diana, and what she has been up to during the 6 years, demonstrating her very busy schedule... while creating the journey of Jamie and Claire!

Have a read... 

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