Saturday, April 9, 2022

“Change in the Wind” - Season 6 Episode 5 recap by your Aussie Blogging Lass

Outlander Homepage Originals 

Much changes during the hour of episode 5. Friendships are damaged, reputations are called into question, lives are endangered and new lives announced. Seemingly innocent souls prove to be sinister and the stage is set for past, present and future to merge once more. It is an hour where carefully guarded emotions come out into the open and we begin to wonder if love will truly be able to conquer all.

The episode begins in the past once again. It is June 1746, a few weeks after the Battle of Culloden and a small group is making their way towards a boat. One of the group calls out, asking how anyone can tolerate bonnets and breathe in wretched gowns. It is none other than Bonnie Prince Charlie and we realise that we are watching his famed escape over the sea to Skye, assisted by one Flora MacDonald, who, legend has it, disguised the Prince as a woman to get him to safety. It is Flora who urges him to hurry now, reminding him that donning women’s garb is a small price to pay for his freedom. The boat comes in sight, but so too do a group of redcoats. Flora goes to talk to them, cautioning the Prince to remain silent. 

Flora approaches the redcoat captain, and presents the papers that he requests. When asked why she is making a sea voyage in such harsh conditions, Flora says that she is on her way to visit her gravely ill mother, accompanied by one “Betty Burke” of Ireland, the woman who will be spinning the shroud. The redcoat sympathises and wishes them a safe journey. Almost on the boat, Flora is about to breathe a sigh of relief, when the redcoat calls her back. She has forgotten her papers and, feigning foolishness and relief, she takes them from him. But the captain holds on for a brief moment, ironically urging her to take care, as there are traitors about. 

At the boat, the Prince thanks Flora profusely, but she tells him that no thanks are necessary. He had lost the throne, she says, he needn’t lose his life as well. With one final “mark me,” the Prince tells her that her kindness will not go unremembered. It is a clever line, as indeed, the legend of Flora MacDonald and her rescue of the Bonnie Prince lives on to this day.  

The opening credits begin, but this is a unique rendition. One male voice rings out, singing entirely in Gaelic, as we watch the boat indeed sail over the sea to Skye. This was a wonderful way to begin the episode - and equally wonderful to see Andrew Gower return for a brief cameo as the Bonnie Prince. 

The credits give way to military pipes and a waving flag. We are back in America, where Jamie’s resignation letter as Indian agent is being read aloud by Governor Martin, as Lord John Grey listens. Jamie has said that his personal convictions will not allow him to perform his duties on behalf of the Crown in good conscience - and this is not welcome news. The Governor wants to know what Jamie means - is this a letter of resignation or revolt? 

As always, John comes to Jamie’s defence, telling the Governor that he is sure it is only the former. The Governor is worried: with the known poor ending of his association with Tryon, and a militia at his beck and call, what will happen should Jamie turn against the Crown? Martin asks John to ascertain where Jamie’s loyalties lie and whether or not he has anything to fear. Again, John defends Jamie: Jamie has sworn an oath to the Crown, John says, and he is a man of his word. “I have no doubt that I can allay your fears,” John says, but his serious expression at the scene’s end suggests otherwise. 

Jamie and Claire have arrived in Wilmington, where Jamie has been invited to join the Sons of Liberty to ironically “raise a glass to King and Country.” They both muse over the group’s sense of humour, with Claire telling Jamie he should go. She wants to finish unpacking and get to the apothecary before they ready themselves for the event they are attending: a speech by none other than Flora MacDonald herself. Jamie says that he is excited to see Flora after so many years and Claire teases him, saying that he has a small crush on the older woman. Once he learns the meaning of the word “crush”. Jamie tells Claire not to be daft. 

The conversation turns to Fergus, with Jamie expressing regret that his foster son is not with them, as Fergus is an admirer or Flora and her”epic tale.” We learn that Fergus has left for New Bern, to take over a printery where the owner has had to leave in a hurry. It is a move that has been engineered by Aunt Jocasta and Jamie comments that he will be having a few words with his aunt when he sees her. 

Claire tells Jamie that in her time, the likeness of Flora MacDonald will end up on biscuit tins, and that her rescue of the Prince is emblematic of a spirit of Scottish rebelliousness. Yet Flora has come to speak to loyal British subjects on behalf of the Crown and the two discuss the strangeness of former Jacobites being so eager to join the loyalist cause. Jamie says that they have forged new lives and have their own land, so therefore have much to lose.
“If only they knew what was coming,” Claire says. 

Jamie says that the former Jacobites won’t fight for a dream anymore, having done that when they stood behind the Bonnie Prince, only to find themselves in prisons, flogged and destitute. Most have sworn an oath to the Crown, as did Flora MacDonald and Jamie himself. It is an oath that he would have kept, Jamie says, were it not for the fact that Claire and Brianna have told him what will happen.  

“And now that you know?” Claire asks.

“I must break it,” Jamie replies. 

Downstairs in the inn, Jamie orders an ale, smiling as a man calls for a toast to the King. The man asks why he is smiling and Jamie replies that he knows he is among men who have little respect for the King. Identifying the man as Cornelius Harnett, the leader of the Sons of Liberty, the two discuss how Jamie had recognised him. Jamie says that while Harnett had been convincing, his companion had not, looking as if he would be physically ill at the mention of the King’s name. 

The said companion leaves Jamie and Harnett to talk and the two men sit down at a nearby table. Jamie has read the letters of the Sons of Liberty and Harnett has read Jamie’s responses. He tells Jamie that they know of Jamie’s actions against Tryon, where he had thrown down his coat and spoken his mind. Jamie comments that the stories have likely been exaggerated - it was not a speech he had had time to prepare. Harnett is impressed by Jamie’s humility, but adds that it is still a risk for the group to seek him out. Nevertheless, if he is to take the measure of a man’s character, he finds Jamie to be bold and willing to ask questions. Jamie says that his own motives are to do right by his conscience and to do his duty for his brothers.  There were personal reasons for his change of heart at Alamance, he tells Harnett, but the fact that his feelings changed is undeniable.

“I believe you too stand for liberty and fraternity,” Jamie says. He offers his hand and the two share a Freemason handshake. 

Harnett tells Jamie that the barkeep of the inn is sympathetic to the cause and is closing early the following evening so the Sons of Liberty can meet. He asks Jamie if he will join them and Jamie replies that he will look forward to it.  He stands and walks away, but as he passes the fireplace, something catches his eye. He leans forward to take a closer look at a jar on the mantle above. It claims to contain the “bollocks of the notorious Pirate, Stephen Bonnet, taken from his corpse.” Jamie raises his eyebrows  - and walks away.  It is a perfectly amusing way to end what has been quite a serious scene. Kudos to Sam Heughan for the perfect expression here!

Back at the Ridge, Roger is working on Amy McCallum’s cabin, assisted by Aidan. Amy comes out to join them, thanking Roger for the bucket of peas that he has brought for them. Roger comments that he and Brianna have plenty and that they are happy to share. The look that Amy gives him is one of pure admiration, but Roger does not notice. He has begun to sing under his breath and Amy tells him that it is a lovely tune, asking what it is. 

Roger is startled. He has been singing a 20th century song and so simply tells Amy that she won’t know it, as it is a favourite of where he comes from. Amy presses him to sing it, which he does. He says that it is called “The Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen” and that possibly it reminds her of home. Pensively, Amy tells Roger that she often finds herself aching for Scotland and asks if he ever feels the same. When he says that he does, Amy asks if he will teach the song to Aidan, the young boy nodding eagerly at the suggestion.  

Meanwhile, Brianna is walking along the riverbank with Marsali, Lizzie and Malva, her notebook open at a hand drawn plan. She is looking for a narrow part of the river, she tells the other women, but a spot with enough water to turn a waterwheel. Essentially, Brianna is planning for indoor plumbing, but she is also prepared to admit that it will be a difficult task, particularly when it comes to reaching the settlements. 

Malva suggests that perhaps Roger or one of the other men might know of a place, with Marsali adding that Brianna should have invited Roger to come trampling all the way with them. Brianna jokes that she thought they had all wanted to come for the walk, and adds that Roger is fixing Amy McCallum’s hearth. She is facing away from the group, and only Malva notices the shadow that briefly passes over her face when she mentions Amy’s name.

Brianna says that they aren’t ready to give up yet and they start to walk down river. They haven’t gone far when they see something strange, a mixture of dried seaweed, flat rocks and burned finger bones,  Marsali declares it to be a love charm called “Venom of the North Wind.” Lizzie starts musing who could have set the charm, suggesting either one of the superstitious Fisher Folk, or Ute McGillivrary, who has an unwed daughter. Marsali in turn suggests Amy McCallum, with Malva saying that as a widow, Amy must be lonely with only her two children for company. Further speculation is halted by Lizzie, who suddenly swoons. She is feverish and Brianna diagnoses the return of malaria, telling the others that they need to take Lizzie home. 

Jamie and Claire arrive at Flora MacDonald’s reception, where they are warmly greeting by John Grey. Jamie expresses surprise at Lord John’s attendance, with the latter saying that he has a particular fondness for reformed Jacobites. Claire asks after William and John shares that William is almost as tall as he is, can beat John at chess, talks of politics like a politician and history like an historian and that his knowledge of literature and modern languages is equally impressive. 

This is a bittersweet moment for Jamie and Claire notices, changing the subject to ask John if he is in Wilmington for business or pleasure. John comments that he has come in place of Governor Martin, but that Flora MacDonald’s willingness to urge her countrymen towards peace couldn’t have come at a better time. 

“A Jacobite in the hand is worth two in the bush, as they say,” Claire quips. 

“That’s all behind us, thankfully,” John replies, adding that what matters is that Flora has the discernment to judge the right course of action now. This is a veiled comment towards Jamie’s resignation letter, and the latter knows it. Fortunately, Aunt Jocasta has chosen this moment to arrive and Jamie makes his excuses to go and greet her. 

Jocasta chides Jamie, asking why he never visits her at River Run? Is there no need, she says, given that Mr Bug delivers all her sweet meats? Jamie gently chides her in return, commenting that the last time he sent a man to see her at River Run, she had bought him a print shop in New Bern and he had lost a son. 

Jocasta defends herself, explaining to Jamie how Fergus had told her how happy he had been in the print shop in Edinburgh and how he wanted to feel that way again.  She had merely seized on an opportunity to help. 

“Do you begrudge the lad his happiness?” Jocasta asks, adding that if Jamie does not, surely he can have no objections. Marsali can join him and then they will be safer from people who think ill of young Henri-Christian. 

“Do you not agree?” she presses.

Again, Claire changes the subject, greeting Jocasta’s maid servant Mary, and commenting on how they had missed her at their last visit. 

“Thank you, mistress. My mother died,” Mary says in response, adding that Jocasta had given her leave of her duties to mourn. 

Commenting that Hanna is deeply missed, Jocasta and Duncan go in search of refreshment.

The Beardsley twins have come to Brianna’s cabin to get medicine for Lizzie. Brianna hands over an ointment and tells them that Lizzie has a fever and the shakes. She needs more gallberries for the ointment and the twins say that they know where to find some.

Back at the reception, Jamie and Claire are talking to Major MacDonald. He expresses regret over Jamie’s resignation as Indian agent and is chiding Jamie for not telling him first. Jamie apologises, but adds that he hopes the Governor is pleased with the pledge of loyalty from the Cherokee. MacDonald agrees, which is why they had been hoping for a continued effort with Jamie as agent. The conversation is interrupted by the arrival of another MacDonald, none other than Flora herself. 

John makes the introductions, after some byplay about the MacDonald name. Flora regards Jamie quizzically and when he says that he is formerly of Broch Tuarach, she makes the connection. The last time she saw Jamie, she says, he had kicked her in the shin. Jamie retaliates that it was because she had stolen his bridie and pulled his hair.  Childhood reminiscing over, Flora asks Claire if it is true that she once performed an operation on stage at the theatre. Claire remarks that it was the foyer, and is surprised that people still talk about it. Flora apologises for her late arrival, adding that when she went to the chamber to dress she had found a thief ransacking their belongings and that he had succeeded in stealing her necklace. Fortunately, the thief had been apprehended in the street and the necklace had been retrieved, albeit with one emerald missing. 

Suddenly, Jocasta swoons. Claire asks if she needs some air and Jocasta replies that that would be wise. Flora offers to accompany them.  Claire begins to diagnose Jocasta, asking if her eyes are paining her and Jocasta agrees. Flora is astonished, asking Claire if she can truly tell what is ailing Jocasta just by looking at her. Claire replies that she can, but that knowing Jocasta is also an advantage. Flora asks Claire if she can tell what is ailing her. Claire says aside from the responsibility of needing to please, Flora may also be suffering from nerves. She has something in the carriage that will help both women, she says and goes to to fetch it. 

Roger returns to the MacKenzie cabin, still humming the Northern Lights of Aberdeen. Brianna asks what the song is, remarking that she hasn’t heard it before. When Roger comments that Amy McCallum had been convinced she had heard it, despite it being composed in the 1950s, Brianna’s face changes. She tells Roger of the love charm that the women had found by the river and how it may have been put there by one of the Fisher Folk. She comments that Roger has been spending a lot of time over at Amy’s, as well as serenading her.

Roger downplays this, saying that he had merely let his guard down by singing a modern tune and that Amy had liked it. Finally he catches on: does Brianna think that Amy had made the love charm for his sake? Brianna replies that Amy is a lonely widow with two children, who is probably enjoying having a handsome man at her beck and call. 

“She needs me,” Roger replies, which annoys Brianna.

We need you,” she retorts. 

But Roger questions this. Brianna is so capable, he tells her. She is making waterwheels and clay pipes, and bringing indoor plumbing to the Ridge. She is amazing, he says and he is just trying to contribute something too, by helping Amy out, as her minister.

Brianna is frustrated by Roger’s inability to see that to the rest of the world, he is a married man, alone with a widow in her home for hours on end. Amy needs to find a husband of her own, Brianna says, something that she won’t do if she already sees Roger as the man of the house.

In Wilmington, Claire laughs as Jocasta and Flora smoke hemp flower, with Flora declaring the three of them to be a veritable gentleman’s club. Flora suggests that they drink to the Bonnie Prince, but Claire says that instead, they should drink to Flora. Flora explains to Claire that she was never aligned to the Prince politically and that people had assumed that the two were in love and had lain together.

“In the boat?” asks Jocasta incredulously, and they all laugh. 

Flora fears that her name will be forever associated with the Prince. She doesn’t wish to speak ill of the man, she adds, but Charles Stuart was not a leader of men. Claire adds that the last she had heard, the Bonnie Prince was in Italy, quietly drinking himself to death. 

Jocasta muses that she had always wanted to meet a member of the Royal family, but after hearing Flora and Claire talk, perhaps she should count her blessings that she has not. She adds that Claire has had the honour on more than one occasion. Claire replies that she wouldn’t call Culloden an honour, but as for Versailles… Her voice trails off as we see a brief flashback of her encounter with Louis and how she had slept with him to gain Jamie’s freedom. It is a memory that obviously affects her, as it represents another violation, although not the violent one that she endured at the hands of Lionel Brown and his men. 

The women prepare to return to the reception and Jocasta remarks that the hemp flower has helped her eyes. She shouldn’t curse her eyes so much, she says, as she can still recall Murtagh’s face. She has had four husbands, some of whom have made her happy at times, but until Murtagh… Her voice trails off.

“I understand,” Claire replies - and we know that she does. While she had been happy at times with Frank, her true love has always been Jamie. 

Claire offers to make up some of the hemp flower for Jocasta to take home and tells the other two women she will be along shortly. But this is a ruse. As the two women head back to the reception, Claire tips some drops of ether onto a handkerchief and we are left in no doubt as to what she is about to do. 

Flora’s speech has begun. Claire returns to Jamie’s side, answering that she had just needed a rest when he asks where she had disappeared to. Flora is asking the crowd about their opinion of the Prince: was he hiding behind his disguise, or was he a brave soul taking a risk? Why did she do what she did on that fateful night? Men are often judged by their actions, and women by their appearances. But she had chosen to see beyond appearances, she tells them. Indicating Claire, and praising her to be a gifted physician, Flora says that Claire had reminded her that people need to seek to find what ails them - not outwardly, but within. It is the threat of division that is ailing people now, she says, and that this is something that has been seen before. 

“We know the symptoms of this disease,” Flora continues, “and it’s not enough for us just to put on a disguise and flee. Peace and unity: that is what is at stake.” 

Jamie and Claire look at each other a little uncomfortably as people begin to applaud. Flora adds that they have sworn oaths to the Crown and that they are all proud subjects of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. If they are to live in peace in this new land, then they must continue to be so. The speech ends with rousing cheers and the playing of bagpipes.

John and Jamie walk in the garden. John explains to Jamie that the Governor has concerns over Jamie’s allegiance since he resigned as Indian agent. He himself has been comforted by Jamie’s presence at Flora’s reception, yet he has also seen a list of names of men who are openly associated with the Sons of Liberty and Jamie’s name has been on it. 

Jamie deflects, saying that the Committee of Correspondence has made no secret of the fact that they are keen to consider him an ally. John remarks that Jamie must be at pains to correct that assumption and dissociate himself from the group, as it is dangerous. He asks Jamie if he knows where the group will meet, but Jamie says he does not. John replies that he is sure they will find out soon enough, as the Crown has eyes and ears everywhere. Jamie begins to make an admission, when Mary comes running up to them. She has been sent by Duncan Innes to get John, as there is trouble in town. 

Jamie and John go to investigate, and find the printer, Simms, cowering inside his shop. Pamphlets advertising Flora’s speech lie strewn about and Simms calls to Jamie that it was his aunt who had him print the flyers to commemorate the day, which advocate allegiance to the King and caution against being led astray by schemes of rebellion. 

“It was for a good cause,” says Mary, who has accompanied Jamie and John. Jamie sends her back to Jocasta, as the protestors begin to get violent, telling Jamie to give up the printer, or “wear feathers with him.” 

Jamie berates the crowd, saying that they can’t threaten a man for doing an honest day’s work, but his defence of Simms is being watched by Harnett’s companion. Simms then decides to take matters into his own hands, coming out of the shop with a rifle and saying that he will print whatever he damn well pleases. Tar is flung and hits Jamie behind the ear. Another man in the crowd shoots at Simms, hitting him in the arm. Just as things begin to get totally out of hand, Major MacDonald and the redcoats appear and beat back the crowd, as a woman takes Simms away to tend to his wounds. 

Claire sponges the tar from Jamie’s ear, remarking that it is just a little bit and he is fortunate that he wasn’t shot or stabbed. 

“4th July, 1776 you said,” Jamie replies. “There’s still time.”

Claire tells him that the date is the Declaration of Independence and that the war starts much sooner. Jamie wonders what the people of the Ridge will say when they learn that he has broken his oath to the King, adding that one day he will have to stand against a great number of them. He has also had to lie to John and it is something that does not sit easily with him.

“You will do right by Lord John,” Claire tells him. “As for the people on the Ridge, if we’re involved, perhaps they don’t have to be.” 

Jamie comments that he has never lived without allegiance, either to Laird or King. But Claire says that the tide has turned. Their allegiance now is to the new nation. 

 Roger is helping Tom and Allan Christie bring the bell to the church tower. Tom is quoting bible verses about the bell “tolling for thee,” while Roger is trying to be more upbeat. The bell will not only toll for funerals, he says, but for happy events too, like weddings and christenings. Allan comments that his father is somewhat suspicious of happiness, and Tom merely responds that whatever occasion the bell tolls for, it is the finest bell in Rowan county, asking Roger to go inside and get the rope for the pulley.

Roger does so, and finds Malva in the middle of an amorous encounter with Obadiah Henderson. Asking if they have gone mad, Roger dismisses Henderson’s feeble excuses that they have done nothing, and he tells Malva that her father and brother are outside. Wasting no time, Malva immediately threatens Roger. If he says a word to her father, she will tell everyone that she has seen him kissing Amy McCallum. 

“I’ve done no such thing,” says Roger.

“But everyone knows that you spend more time with the widow than your own wife,” Malva retorts. “They will believe me.”

She has him, and Roger knows it. He opens the church door and says, “Look who I found inside.” Henderson comes out with the rope over his shoulder, while Malva sneaks out the back door. 

Returning to the McCallum cabin later, Roger is greeted by an enthusiastic Aidan, who has caught a fish the way that Roger had shown him. Immediately, Amy appears, inviting Roger to eat with them, so that she can repay his kindness, adding that Aidan wants to hear stories of when Roger was captured by the Mohawk. Roger agrees, but when he goes inside, he finds the table beautifully set for three. Amy pulls out the chair at the head of the table, asking, “Will this do, Mr MacKenzie?” and asking him to say grace. We can see, from the look on Roger’s face, that he now understands what Brianna had been trying to tell him.

Jamie is asking Jocasta whether what the protesters had said is true: did she pay for Flora’s gathering? Jocasta remarks that there is little good sitting on one’s hands, when those same hands can be put into a purse and further the cause of peace. “These rebellions lead nowhere, as well you know.” 

Jamie tells her that he knows what she is doing. He understands now why Fergus has been given a print shop, fearing that Fergus’ obligation to then print pamphlets for Jocasta might result in him being hanged for treason or tarred and feathered for not being treasonous enough. Jocasta retorts that Fergus understands the dangers.

“Aye,” Jamie responds, “and I understand your grief. But if anything should happen to my son…”

Jocasta abruptly ends the conversation, telling Duncan that she is tired and allowing herself to be led to her chamber. 

But Mary waits behind. She tells Jamie that Jocasta has not been the same since Murtagh died. Often, she says, she has found Jocasta in her chair in the midst of a fitful dream, speaking of money stained by blood, her daughter Moana and French gold. Mary asks Jamie if he is worried that Jocasta is losing her mind. 

“No,” Jamie answers. “Only that she’s lost her heart.”

Jamie thanks Mary, and the scene ends with Jamie looking at the pamphlet advertising Flora’s speech. 

Roger returns to Brianna and Jemmy, the latter making “vroom” noises and waving a carved wooden plane. 

“We’ll just say it’s a very odd looking bird,” Brianna suggests, as Jemmy runs off giggling. 

Roger sits down next to Brianna and tells her that he has asked Obadiah Henderson to look in on Amy and finish off anything that needs doing at her cabin, adding that he has a weakness for wanting to protect young mothers. Brianna comments that it makes sense, given that Roger had lost his own mother at such a young age. She tells Roger that she was never worried about him.

“I know,” he replies, “But I’m still sorry. I want to spend my time with you and Jemmy. Just the three of us.”

“The four of us,” Brianna corrects him, and we watch the realisation dawn on Roger’s face that Brianna has just told him she is pregnant again. 

Malva is walking towards a cabin and we hear the buzzing of flies. Inside is the dead body of the Sin Eater. Taking out a knife, we watch as Malva begins to cut more fingers from the corpse, smiling sinisterly. It is a brief, but disturbing scene that further highlights the true personality of Malva - and book readers know that there is much more to come…

Jamie approaches John, saying that he must speak with him. John has good news. He tells Jamie that he knows where the Sons of Liberty will be meeting and Jamie announces that he will be in attendance. At first, John thinks that Jamie is attending the meeting on behalf of the Crown, saying that there are already soldiers primed to catch the group in the act, but that possibly Jamie might glean some information. One look from Jamie is enough for John to realise the truth: Jamie is attending as “one of them.”

John declares himself to be a fool. He asks Jamie to confirm the rumours: Jamie is for independency? Jamie tells him that he must believe that there is a better way to live, but John cannot accept this. If there is a war, he says to Jamie, then the rebels will lose, and Jamie could lose his life.

“Or gain my freedom,” Jamie replies. 

John wants to know what Jamie is wanting freedom from. Is it freedom from paying taxes, or perhaps freedom from tyranny. Is that how he appears to Jamie, he asks - as the face of tyranny?

“No,” Jamie replies, “But I can’t disguise how I feel any longer. It’s a mistake I made before.” 

He asks John to go with him to the meeting to hear the side of the rebels.

But John refuses. It is inconceivable and incomprehensible, he says, that the colonies might govern themselves. So Jamie asks for a favour, asking John to delay his men. 

“That is a great deal to ask,” John replies and Jamie knows it. If John refuses, he says, then he will attend the next meeting and the one after that. He doesn’t want the situation to come between them, but he has made up his mind. 

“You surprise me at every turn,” John says, shaking his head, “but then you always have.” He promises to delay the soldiers for as long as he can, and urges Jamie to be careful. We see the sadness in his eyes - their friendship has changed. 

The meeting has begun and the talk is of selecting delegates from each county, when Jamie enters. Cornelius tells him that he is no longer welcome, given that he had defended Simms the printer. 

Jamie replies that Simms has the right to print whatever he pleases, and asks the men whether they are happy for an innocent man to be killed, or tarred and feathered. He said he had come to the meeting believing that he would be among men who weren’t afraid to hear other people’s opinions, even if they disagreed, because they prize that freedom and believe it will serve the greater good. 

“But maybe I was wrong to think so,” Jamie continues. “Maybe there is no common decency.” How can the men call themselves the Sons of Liberty if they cow others into silence or threaten them into submission? Is it liberty if a man’s property is taken from him? 

As always, Jamie is convincing, and the men look about, now unsure. Cornelius asks how he can be convinced that Jamie can be trusted and Jamie replies that he has come to warn them, telling them of the redcoats’ impending arrival. Sure enough, footsteps are heard and Jamie tells Harnett that the men need to leave. As the group quickly disperses, Jamie, Harnett and his companion set up for a game of billiards. When the redcoats burst through the door, Jamie introduces himself, explains that he is a guest and invites the soldiers to join them for a late night game. 

Brianna is cooing over Henri-Christian’s crib, as she tells Marsali that Lizzie’s health is improving. Marsali comments that it is hardly surprising, given the doting attention Lizzie has been receiving from the Beardsley twins. But Brianna is barely listening, gazing into Henri-Christian’s face, her hand on her own belly. Marsali asks Brianna if she really thinks that she can’t tell when a woman is with child and asks if Brianna had been going to let her leave for New Bern without telling her. Brianna replies that of course she would have told her, but that she has only just told Roger. She asks Marsali not to tell Claire, as she wants to do that herself, in time. The last time, she gave Claire that news, she says, it wasn’t under the best of circumstances. 

“But your husband’s with you now,” Marsali says.

“Yes, but my sister’s leaving,” Brianna replies. 

Marsali says that her departure isn’t for a while yet, and it isn’t forever. She promises that Henri-Christian will get to meet his new cousin and that they will be making mischief together. The two women smile at each other, but we can see that Marsali is conflicted about leaving. 

Jamie and Claire are preparing to leave, and Claire comments on the change in the wind. 

“When there’s war afoot,” Jamie says, “men take to the roads.”

“Let’s go home,” Claire replies.

As Jamie steps up beside her, Claire hears someone whistling and the tune makes her look around sharply. It sounds like the Colonel Bogey March, a 20th century war song. Jamie asks her what is wrong.

“Nothing,” she replies. “It must just have been the wind.” 

They head for home, as we see a redcoat locking a cell door. A man stands in the shadows, whistling - and it is indeed the Colonel Bogey March. His hand opens and we see an emerald - the missing one from Flora MacDonald’s necklace. He begins to turn around, but the screen fades to black before we see his face. 

Change is indeed in the wind - and none of it good.

This episode recap was written by Susie Brown, a writer and teacher-librarian who lives in Australia. As a book reader, she knows where this story is headed - and can’t wait to see it play out on the screen. 


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