
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Outlander - 'The Fans Who Make It' - Series by Roma Sars

Hello everyone! (From Roma Sars on "My Outlander Friends" on Facebook)

As a member of the Outlander fandom, I have visited many websites and blogs by fans who interview the actors, production staff and others involved with the making of the Outlander series.
I have also seen fans collect tens of thousands of dollars for the charities of their favourite actors, as well as fans making the most beautiful art and videos, all dedicated to the Outlander story.

What motivates the fans do this? Why have some of them devoted the best part of their days to the Outlander story?
So far, no-one has interviewed these fans who are behind these websites, blogs and twitter handles, some of them with thousands of followers.

So, I thought that I should be the one to do that, and I have approached some of them and found them conducive to do interviews.
In doing so, I hope to understand this obsession which has taken a hold of me ever since I discovered the Outlander story in 2015.

This will be the start of my “Outlander- the fans who make it” series of interviews.
I hope you will like what I will post, as I am sure I am going to enjoy doing it.

(This interview has been conducted by Roma Sars of, My Outlander Friends!)

My next interview in the “Outlander – The Fans Who Make It” series is with the inimitable Karen Henry (@karenh3a on Twitter), administrator of Diana’s Compuserve forum and owner of the website and Facebook page “Outlandish Observations”. Karen is the one who keeps us informed about new releases of Diana’s books, about special dates for Outlander anniversaries, and wonderful quotes from Diana’s books for various occasions.

If you don’t follow her on Social media yet, I suggest you do so quickly.

Please tell us about yourself.
My name is Karen Henry. I'm 53 years old, and I live in Raleigh, NC. I'm a data analyst for a small non-profit company that provides credit counseling and debt management services for consumers. I grew up in New Jersey, but I have spent my whole adult life in North Carolina, a few hours' drive from the area where Fraser's Ridge is supposed to be located.

How long have you known Diana and the Outlander books series? Please tell us about your relationship with Diana.
I found OUTLANDER completely by accident, browsing in a Barnes & Noble bookstore in 2006. I knew nothing at all about the books in advance, and knew no one else who had read them. I picked up OUTLANDER because I'm a lifelong reader of both time-travel stories and Big Fat Historical Novels. I quickly fell in love with the story, the characters, and Diana's wonderful writing, and became thoroughly addicted in a very short period of time.

I first met Diana Gabaldon through the CompuServe Books and Writers Community (now in 2007. I really value my relationship with Diana, and I'm honored to say that she considers me a friend. Her most recent book, SEVEN STONES TO STAND OR FALL, is dedicated to me and several other forum members, and the character of Keren-happuch (a Welsh kitchen-maid) in THE SCOTTISH PRISONER is named after me. :-) My relationship with Diana is based mostly on interactions on the forum, and occasionally via email. We've met in person four times, most recently in September, 2017.

Karen Henry with Diana Gabaldon at a book signing in Maryland 2009

What made you decide to set up your website “Outlandish Observations”, and to administrate Diana’s CompuServe lit forum? Have you done this for other series as well?
When I started Outlandish Observations in August, 2008, I had two goals in mind. The first was simply to learn about blogging. The second was to create a central repository for news and information for OUTLANDER fans, a place where people could go to find answers to commonly asked questions, links to other OUTLANDER-related sites, and the latest information on Diana Gabaldon's new and upcoming releases. To say that this blog has succeeded far beyond my wildest imaginings is a severe understatement! Outlandish Observations now has well over 10,000 followers on Facebook.

I discovered the CompuServe Books and Writers Community (see Note below) in March, 2007, about four months after I found the OUTLANDER series. I had been looking for a place to discuss the books online with other fans, and I was impressed by the fact that Diana Gabaldon took the time to answer questions and participate in the discussions on a daily basis. I quickly became addicted to the forum, and in September, 2008, I was asked by one of the admins to join the forum staff as Section Leader (aka moderator) of Diana Gabaldon's section of the forum. I've been in that role ever since.

Diana refers to what I do on the forum as "herding the bumblebees". :-) I welcome new members, help answer questions, and try to keep the discussions organized and on-topic, insofar as that's possible. Managing a large and constantly shifting group of forum members can be quite a challenge at times, especially during the TV season and when Diana has a new book out, but I enjoy it very much.

Note: The CompuServe Books and Writers Community shut down in December, 2017, but our community has relocated to a new online home. Like the CompuServe forum and its predecessors, is a community of readers, writers, and book-lovers, and we have some of the most in-depth discussions of Diana Gabaldon's books available anywhere online. I would encourage anyone who's interested to come and check it out! You have to register in order to read or post on, but it's free.

How much time do you spend every day on Outlander?
I typically spend 1-2 hours a day, keeping up with the discussions in Diana's section of Much more than that when there's a "thread explosion" going on (while the TV season is in progress, for example). In addition to that, I try to post something new on my blog at least once a week.

At the Grandfather Mountain Highland games 2010

What do you like most about the Outlander books and show?
About the books:
Unforgettable characters, portrayed so realistically that many readers think of Jamie and Claire as real people. The characters in these books are very human; they change as they grow older, they make mistakes and learn from them, and we care deeply about what happens to them. The major characters in these books never give up, even after suffering through traumatic, life-altering events such as Jamie's experience in Wentworth Prison. Eventually, with time, with the help of their loved ones, they pick themselves up and get on with their lives, and I find much to admire in that.

Intricate plots, with enough twists and turns to keep readers guessing. Diana deliberately leaves some things ambiguous or unresolved, so there's room for a great deal of speculation. (For example: what is the significance of the blue forget-me-not flowers Claire found at Craigh na Dun just before she went through the stones the first time? We don't know yet.) The immense amount of detail in these books means that they stand up very well to re-reading. I have read or listened to the OUTLANDER books many, many times, and I still pick up new little details every time I re-read them.

About the show:
The acting, of course! We were incredibly lucky with the casting, and Sam and Caitriona do a fantastic job. I couldn't imagine the show without either of them. I was thrilled to see Frances de la Tour as Mother Hildegarde, because I'd thought for a long time (since 2009, when I mentioned her in a post on CompuServe) that she would be perfect for the role.

I love the costumes, especially in the Paris section of Season 2. I also liked the "bat-suit" Claire wore in Season 3. The cinematography on the show is excellent. I really enjoyed the gorgeous views of the Scottish Highlands in Season 1.

I have always appreciated the fact that many of the key people involved in the production, like Matt Roberts, Maril Davis, and Terry Dresbach, are longtime fans of the books. I love seeing my favorite scenes brought to life on TV, and I am delighted that the show has been renewed through Season 6.

Which character in Outlander is your favourite?
Tough question! I think I would have to say Claire. I love Jamie, of course (who wouldn't?), but I can relate much more easily to Claire. I like her sense of humor, her adaptability, and the fact that she never, ever gives up, even in the face of seemingly impossible odds.

On a Scotland trip, at Glencoe. 

How has Outlander affected your life and/or lifestyle?
OUTLANDER has changed my life in many ways, giving me opportunities to do things I never could have imagined. I'm a fairly shy person in real life, but my Outlandish Observations blog and my role on the forum have given me a certain amount of visibility in the fan community, which is very gratifying, but sometimes comes as a bit of a shock. Total strangers sometimes recognize me at fan gatherings. One time at a book-signing, an OUTLANDER fan actually came up to me and asked for my autograph!

I had an unforgettable experience at Diana Gabaldon's appearance in Annandale, Virginia, in 2013, a couple of months before the TV series was announced. I was sitting near the front of an auditorium with about 1200 people. At the point in her talk where she always mentions CompuServe (because it's an important part of the story of how she came to write OUTLANDER), Diana looked straight at me, smiled, and said, "The fabulous Karen Henry manages my folder on CompuServe. She's the bumblebee-herder." And I stood up and waved to the audience. What a thrill that was for me! Five years later, and I still can't quite believe that actually happened, but I have plenty of witnesses.

[A photo of myself at that event with Carol and Tracey from My Outlander Purgatory.]

In the summer of 2012, I visited Scotland on Judy Lowstuter's Celtic Journeys OUTLANDER Tour with my mom and my sister, and we had a fabulous time! It was the trip of a lifetime for me, and I certainly would never have done that if it hadn't been for OUTLANDER.

[A photo of myself at the Fraser clan stone at Culloden]

As for my lifestyle, well, there's hardly been a day in the past ten years when I haven't spent time online discussing and thinking about All Things OUTLANDER. It's become an integral part of my life.

Is this the first fandom you are a member of? What made you decide to join this fandom, rather than any other one? What do you like and dislike about this fandom?
I was a diehard fan of the original STAR TREK for many years, but I have never been actively involved in any other fandom. I think the best part of the OUTLANDER fan community is its diversity. It truly is a worldwide community, with fans of all ages, from all sorts of different backgrounds. It doesn't matter if you've been reading the OUTLANDER series for 20+ years, or you've just discovered the books recently as a result of the TV show, or you fall somewhere in between. We're all brought together by our love for these books and characters and this amazing story Diana Gabaldon has created, that is now being brought to life on TV.

I enjoy hearing everyone's thoughts, opinions, and speculations on any aspect of the books or the TV series, and I learn a lot from talking to people with different experiences and viewpoints than my own. For example, it's interesting to talk to people who found the books as a result of the TV series.

Have you met any of the actors of Outlander? If so, which actor did you enjoy meeting the most? If not, who would you like to meet the most?
I haven't met any of the actors. Traveling is difficult for me, so it's unlikely that I will ever get to meet Sam, Caitriona, or the other cast members in person.

All graphics and edited formats for this blog by Dorianne Panich

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Outlander - 'The Fans Who Make It' - Series by Roma Sars

Hello everyone! (From Roma Sars on "My Outlander Friends" on Facebook)

As a member of the Outlander fandom, I have visited many websites and blogs by fans who interview the actors, production staff and others involved with the making of the Outlander series.
I have also seen fans collect tens of thousands of dollars for the charities of their favourite actors, as well as fans making the most beautiful art and videos, all dedicated to the Outlander story.

What motivates the fans do this? Why have some of them devoted the best part of their days to the Outlander story?
So far, no-one has interviewed these fans who are behind these websites, blogs and twitter handles, some of them with thousands of followers.

So, I thought that I should be the one to do that, and I have approached some of them and found them conducive to do interviews.
In doing so, I hope to understand this obsession which has taken a hold of me ever since I discovered the Outlander story in 2015.

This will be the start of my “Outlander- the fans who make it” series of interviews.
I hope you will like what I will post, as I am sure I am going to enjoy doing it.

(This interview has been conducted by Roma Sars of, My Outlander Friends!)

This time I chose Donas the Horse (Sue Strickler) @DonasTheHorse, because I have a lot of fun interacting with all the Outlander Animals. They are all creative, funny and sweet, and entertain our fandom. It is a pleasure to learn about the people behind these great Twitter handles.

Please tell us about yourself.
My name is Sue Strickler, I am 55 years old and live in the USA, outside of Philadelphia. I work at Lehigh Valley Hospital in the Cardiac Cath Lab/Electrophysiology Lab as a Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist. My hobbies are caring for my 4 dogs, my cat & my 26 year old horse. I’ve had horses most all of my life. I competed in gymkhana, dressage, hunter/jumper, pleasure driving & combined driving. I love to travel (just got back from 10 days in Scotland!), cook, garden and read. I’m am married to my husband, Bob, my high school sweetheart going on 32 years now. He is my Jamie ❤️

What made you decide to choose the “Donas the Horse” Twitter handle and can you tell us a little bit about that? How did it make you feel when Donas did not appear in season 2 of the show?
I have been a huge Outlander fan for a long, long time. When Sam was cast, I joined Twitter and was his 277 follower! I decided to mix my love of horses with my love for Outlander - so Donas was created! I decided to create the cranky, belligerent persona because that’s just how Donas would act, right?! No one was more surprised than me how quickly my followers grew. It helped that Diana, Cait & then Sam followed me as his 666th follow - from there, the followers exploded to 11.3K. Diana direct messaged me before season 1 aired to tell me that they were unable to find a sorrel horse to play Donas and that a black Friesian was going to be used instead. She said it was hard to find a sorrel horse in Scotland that could carry both Sam & Cait, so she & Maril chose the horse you saw in Season 1. I was very surprised and disappointed when they didn’t follow the book and include the barn scene between Jamie & Hamish that includes Donas. I thought it was a missed character development opportunity for those two characters, since it fleshed them out more. As far as being excluded from season 2, I understand that some things need to be minimized and others accentuated, but it was sad that Donas wasn’t around. I was more upset that Donas got the axe in the opening credits!!

How much time do you spend every day on Outlander?
I used to work part time, so I had a whole lot of more time to devote to Outlander on social media, but that all changed last year when I went full time. I would say I devote about 1-3 hours a week on Donas on Twitter. I’m also an admin on Outlander Fit.

What do you like most about the Outlander books and show?
I love the richly developed characters and the interwoven plots. It’s such a gripping story! I remember binge reading the whole series, and then starting it again. And again! Diana also writes horses so well. She once told me for an article I wrote for Horse Nation on Outlander, that she learned about horses from her father in law (who is an experienced horseman) as well as her husband, Doug.

Which character in Outlander is your favourite (apart from Donas)
My favorite character, other than Donas, is Jamie. He’s the King of Men! He is everything that you’d want in a hero.

How has Outlander affected your life and/or lifestyle?
Outlander has affected my life in so many ways. I never imagined that I would go to Scotland because of a book! Or that I would fly to the first fan event 3000 miles from my home by myself. Or attend San Diego Comic Con! I’d never met any actors before Sam, Cait, Tobias & Graham. There was never a show that captivated me like Outlander has.

Is this the first fandom you are a member of? What made you decide to join this fandom, rather than any other one?
This is the first fandom I’ve been a part of. When all the craziness started in 2013, my family didn’t really understand what all the fuss was about. Now most all of the women in my immediate family are huge fans as are a few of the guys in my family.

Which personality from Outlander did you enjoy meeting the most? And who would you like to meet as yet?
I enjoyed meeting Sam the most. The first time I met him was at San Diego Comic Con inside the Hard Rock Hotel, right before they did a photo shoot for EW. My friend, Vicky, noticed all of them (the entire cast plus Diana & Ron) coming down the hall towards us. They all turned to get on the elevator and I yelled Sam’s name, and he came out from the back of the pack. 

I told him my name & he shook my hand, and said “nice shirt” (I had my Caitrionation shirt on). I told him that he followed me on Twitter, and that I was Donas the Horse, and he broke out in a huge smile and said “DONAS!!!” I asked if I could get a picture, but the elevator came. He told me to wait outside the limo area, and he would find me. So I did, and he found me! I’ve met him a few times now, and he’s always been so nice & accommodating. We actually made it on Japanese TV too, with a group picture of me & my friends! 

I also met Diana in Philadelphia when she did a book signing. For some reason, I thought it would be funny to wear a horse mask, that I had at the meet & greet. It was kinda funny, but I think Diana thought I was a lunatic! Actually, she was very kind and a good sport! - not my finest moment!!

I’ve said Hi to Tobias twice now and, I guess if I had anyone I’d like to meet and talk to more, it would be him. He’s been in so many shows I’ve watched, before he came to Outlander - just recently ‘The Terror’. He seems very nice, so talented and intelligent, but I might be a wee bit scared of him

All graphics and edited formats for this blog by, Dorianne Panich 

Gold Derby 2018 interview with Caitriona Balfe

Season 4 details.

Friday, June 15, 2018

WaterAidAmerica has teamed with Tobias Menzies in an Outlander Sweepstakes!

WaterAidAmerica and Tobias Menzies are hosting an Outlander-themed sweepstakes. Their mission, to provide clean water to everyone everywhere by 2030!

What you get if you win..

So, how much do you want this quilt?

Captain Jack is egging you on! Go on!

To enter the Outlander Sweepstakes, please donate below.

Grand prize package includes:
An autographed handmade quilt
Two tickets to the Outlander Convention in Secaucus, NJ, August 17-19, 2018
A photo opportunity with Graham McTavish, Cesar Domboy and Stephen Walters
A tour of the WaterAid offices in NYC (arguably the highlight)
A WaterAid SWAG Bag!

Sweepstakes link to enter

Video message from Tobias, explaining the beautiful signed quilt, and what the sweepstakes is for.

Thank you Tobias'Tribe, for all the info... @TribeTobias

Thursday, June 14, 2018

“Loyal to the Laird” - an interview with Keith Fleming by your Aussie Blogging Lass

Outlander Homepage originals 

The world of Outlander is famous for its couples. Across the 3 seasons that have screened so far, fans of the STARZ series have watched different duos interact with Jamie Fraser. Sometimes these relationships - like those with Colum & Dougal, or Rupert & Angus - have been stormy and complicated, while other characters, like Ross & Kincaid, show nothing but loyalty. 

In season 3, after the horrors of the Battle of Culloden, a new pair of characters enters Jamie’s social circle: in the form of Lesley and Hayes. From fellow prisoners at Ardsmuir, to erstwhile smugglers in Edinburgh, to fellow crew on board the Artemis, Lesley and Hayes will do anything for Jamie. So what is it like to play one of these characters? Keith Fleming, aka Lesley, sat down to tell us. 

While most actors in Outlander can go to Diana Gabaldon’s novels for their character research, Keith didn’t have that luxury. Lesley is a written-for-tv addition, so we wondered how Keith went about creating his character. 

“Well the writers created Lesley really,” Keith replied, “but like any part, you bring yourself to what is written. On a basic level, a  character is very much the sum of what they say and what they do. So you look at what is similar within you and what is different, asking yourself, ‘How can I change myself to suit the character?’ After that, it's about imagination and making sure that you serve the scene or story. It would be too simple to say that Lesley is a comic character. He is fiercely protective of Jamie, Claire and his pal, Hayes. He is brave and willing to get stuck in, always prepared to put himself in harm’s way for them.”

And how would Keith describe Lesley in just 3 words?

“Loyal, witty and earthy,” was his response.

So far, Outlander has traversed different countries and landscapes in order to tell its story. But is there such a thing as a “typical day” on set? We asked Keith if he could share his daily routine with us. 

“Well, it starts with an early pick-up,” Keith said. “I’m running over lines in my head through the fog of sleep! When I arrive at the trailer, I put on my basic costume, then head to hair and make-up, where I share a wee chat with the girls to the back-drop of some great tunes. Once I receive my confirmed schedule for the day, I eat breakfast . Then I head onto set to rehearse the scene or run lines whilst the crew set up for the first shot. After that it’s back to wardrobe, hair and make-up for final checks.”

When we asked if there was a lot of specialist make-up for Lesley, Keith answered with the same quick wit that he attributed to his character. 

“Of course, you realise that it takes a long time for me in make-up,” he joked, “as it takes a lot of effort to disguise my stunning looks. Before they start on me, you could be forgiven for thinking that Sam and I are twins!!!”

 And once this amazing transformation is complete? 

“Then we are ready to shoot,” Keith continued. “Hopefully we all know our lines, our intentions, the shape of the scene and the fight choreography, so that it all goes smoothly. Then it's a question of the director giving some feedback, before we do it again with different angles and set-ups. We try to make sure there is no corpsing (breaking character and laughing) before we have lunch and move on to the next scene.”

It certainly sounds like everyone is busy!

 “The crew are amazing,” Keith agreed. “They work their socks off and look after you so much. They’re a brilliant team...a dream team! Finally it's a wrap, and I can get out of hair and make-up, pick up my schedule for the next day and head home.”

While there are plenty of dramatic scenes in season 3, Lesley and Hayes also appear in one of the funniest - when they encounter the disapproving, goitre-suffering Geordie in the print shop. We asked Keith if he could tell us a bit about that scene. 

“Ahhhh yes, the famous print shop scene,” Keith replied, with a grin. “Obviously people mean the 'goitre' bit when they mention it,... surely!! Hahahaha! That scene was a gas. Lorne, the actor who played Geordie, had been given a note to make him more 'sassy'. He interpreted that as 'camper'. I nearly hurt myself trying not to laugh, or trying to make him laugh. I'm not sure if you can catch it, but when I'm looking at Lorne, I'm doing a wee pout. I figured that Lesley would certainly mock him and his prissy, acidic attitude.”

And was there any ad-libbing?

“No,” said Keith, “but perhaps there was the occasional natural reaction and response!”

With such a busy schedule, we asked Keith for his idea of a perfect day.

“A perfect day?” Keith repeated. “Wow, ok. It would begin with breakfast in either Jason Bakery or Clarke’s Bar & Dining Room. (These were two places we frequented in Cape Town.) Then it would be time for some football, watching the Hibs defeat the Jambos or Sevco. They are our main rivals and it’s always a joy to beat them! Next, I’d explore some secrets of the Rye with my pal, whilst sipping an Aviation or a glass of Nuits-Saint-Georges. I’d enjoy the company whilst listening to music - The Beatles, The Stones, or Stone Roses - and open a bottle of fizz. Last of all, I’d have some Chinese and round it off with the best drink of the day - a cup of tea!”

Finally, we asked Keith where he would choose to go if he could travel through the stones. 

“I think I would probably go to the 60s,” he answered. “My musical taste is really embedded in that era. I’d love to experience Beatlemania, psychedelia, and that liberation of music, creativity and hope. The world is in such a bad state just now, we need a bit more of the ideology of peace and love. And as for the state of music these days, don't get me started! Obviously I would like to be right in the middle of it if I was back in the 60s, so I'd be a rock star. Maybe the band would be called ‘The Standing Stones’ and our first album would be the ‘Ardsmuir Prison Blues’!!”

Whilst time travelling is probably not on the agenda anytime soon, Keith did suggest another type of Outlander related journey. 

“It would be good to get to some of the conventions,” he said,  “so that I can meet you guys.”

That sounds like a job for the Outlander fans - so who’s up for a challenge? Let’s convince the powers-that-be to get Keith to a convention as soon as we can!

This interview was conducted by Susie Brown, a writer and teacher-librarian who lives in Australia. She’d like to thank Keith for giving up his time and she would definitely buy a copy of the “Ardsmuir Prison Blues”!

Set up and blog layout by Dorianne Panich

Caitriona Balfe for Tatler Irish magazine

Video of shoot.

And from the same magazine 17 years ago

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Progress Versus Preservation: The Road to Killiecrankie by Nancy McGehee Fontenot

Outlander Homepage originals

Loretta, a local resident and member of Killiecrankie1689, (the dedicated group from this Scotland historical site, of the same name) explains a specific modern day struggle going on in Scotland between, remembering the sacrifices and moving industry forward. And as Loretta said, the "Outlander effect" is helping in a small way.

Everyone is making much of the "Outlander effect" on Scotland. The tourism industry is rejoicing.  I see press releases on the subject.  But politicians are only paying lip service to the need to protect matters relating to history, heritage and archaeology.  Killiecrankie battlefield (the location of the first Jacobite engagement in Scotland) could well be a casualty in the new A9 road plans.

Of course we wanted to find a way, to get the petition really moving and perhaps make a difference. Outlander fans are interested in Scotland history and very generous with their time.

Nancy McGehee Fonenot explains.....

Outlander fans love Scotland, traveling across the pond to see for themselves the majestic Highlands, where our favorite story originates. Of course, Culloden serves as a tourist mecca, for history buffs, genealogists, and of course Outlander fans, but have you ever heard of Killiecrankie? Did you know that it is the site of the first Jacobite battle? Did you know it’s in the heart of the Highlands, just bristling with history, as well as plenty of outdoor activities such as biking, bungee jumping, and hiking alongside the River Garry? Outlander fans may also find it interesting to know that recent filming of our fave Fraser's saga has taken place very near the battlefield. All that being said, if you are planning a trip, or have your bags packed awaiting your flight, Killiecrankie Battlefield is definitely a place you will want to add your itinerary, if it isn’t paved over by Transport Scotland before you can get there.

killiecrankie (Coille Chreithnich) is a tiny village located near the battle field of the same name, and while it’s not exactly a hotbed of tourism, there is plenty to do there, especially if you love the outdoors, Jacobite/Scottish history, and Outlander. Located on the southern edge of Cairngorms National Park, between Pitlochry, and Blair Atholl, Killiecrankie is nestled at the Pass of Killiecrankie, bordered by the River Garry. It was here, July 27, 1689, during the first battle of the Jacobite Rebellion, that several legends were born.

John Graham of Claverhouse, aka Viscount Dundee, one of James Stuart’s first supporters, led his army of recruited clansmen in a Highland Charge against King Williams troops, led by General Hugh MacKay, who were taken by surprised, and trapped in the pass; the rushing waters of River Garry on one side, their backs against the steep hillsides. Overwhelmed, and defeated in short order, one of the Redcoats, Donald MacBean, cleared the 18ft. pass from one bank to the other, in a desperate leap to escape the attacking Jacobites. The spot where he successfully jumped is known as The Soldier’s Leap. In spite of victory, Viscount Dundee did not survive the battle of Killiecrankie, but the “Bonnie Dundee” still lives on in legendary folk songs, and poems, penned by Robert Burns, and later, Walter Scott. Considering the rustic charm, natural beauty, and historical value of this lesser known area, would you allow the government to expand the A9 highway through the middle of it?

Listed in the Inventory of Historic Battlefields, one would rightfully assume that such historically valuable land would be protected, especially considering the real possibility, though not yet proven, that a three hundred twenty nine year old battlefield might also be a burial ground. Yet, in spite of numerous objections from local residents, Historic Environment Scotland (HES), Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust, and Cairngorms National Perk Authority, Transport Scotland is pushing to expand the current A9 road within the Inventory battlefield boundaries. Area residents are fighting mad about this proposal, and now they are fighting to preserve their local history. 

KilliecrAnkie1689 was created at the start of 2018, in an effort to prevent Transport Scotland from implementing their poorly planned highway expansion that targets the historically protected battlefield.

The web page, is very detailed, with well researched information, historical facts about Killiecrankie, Battlefield, and includes a petition that even “Outlanders and Sassenachs” can sign.

Petition link

Killiecrankie played a key role in the Jacobite Uprising, and today it plays a key role in preserving not only it's centuries old, rich, cultural history, but protecting what could one day be an archaeological goldmine. So much is still unknown about the Battle of Killiecrankie, and archaeological exploration currently underway is the key to gathering important answers to a number of questions, both historical, and ethical. Mainly, how would the discovery of human remains affect plans to expand the A9? Would such a discovery change Transport Scotland's plans?

Well, seems to be quite a bit hanging in the balance here, which is why Outlander Homepage will be posting a series of articles about the history of Killiecrankie, current updates and events regarding the A9 expansion, as well as an interview with local resident, and founders of the grassroots group working to protect their history and heritage.

In the meantime, please click on to learn more, show your support by signing the petition and stay tuned for more information, updates. Oh and if we are lucky, hopefully some news about current Outlander filming.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Outlander - 'The Fans Who Make It' - Series by Roma Sars

Hello everyone! (From Roma Sars on "My Outlander Friends" on Facebook)

As a member of the Outlander fandom, I have visited many websites and blogs by fans who interview the actors, production staff and others involved with the making of the Outlander series.
I have also seen fans collect tens of thousands of dollars for the charities of their favourite actors, as well as fans making the most beautiful art and videos, all dedicated to the Outlander story.

What motivates the fans do this? Why have some of them devoted the best part of their days to the Outlander story?
So far, no-one has interviewed these fans who are behind these websites, blogs and twitter handles, some of them with thousands of followers.

So, I thought that I should be the one to do that, and I have approached some of them and found them conducive to do interviews.
In doing so, I hope to understand this obsession which has taken a hold of me ever since I discovered the Outlander story in 2015.

This will be the start of my “Outlander- the fans who make it” series of interviews.
I hope you will like what I will post, as I am sure I am going to enjoy doing it.

(This interview has been conducted by Roma Sars of, My Outlander Friends!)

The next interview in the ‘Outlander- the fans who make it” series is with Laura Ewing, who is a graphic designer & illustrator and makes beautiful fan art.

I met Laura through Social media a couple of years ago, when we collaborated on the designs of two of my scarves in the Outlander scarves series that I make. We had some animated conversations via email and via the phone, and it was fun doing those designs. The pictures of the designs are below.

Please tell us about yourself.
My name is Laura Ewing, I'm 29 years old and live in Madrid, Spain. I am part Spanish, part Scottish. This has given me the opportunity to explore very different cultures and landscapes. I usually spend my days drawing, travelling, and in search of yummy food. I'm an illustrator, who loves to play around with characters and the journeys they take. It probably originates from the amazing bedtime stories I got to hear. At the moment, I'm discovering storyboarding and loving the visual narrative tricks I get to pick up along the way. Visually guiding someone along is always a fun challenge.

How long have you been a graphic designer? What made you start doing your edits for Outlander? Which other shows do you make art for?
I was lucky enough to attend a high school that had an art program. There aren't many in my area. It was the perfect solution to my weak academic results. I was never a stellar student, but certain teachers could really bring some decent work out of me. Those usually were the literature and art related subjects. I guess I always wanted to be an illustrator. In reality, I have earned a living as a graphic designer/illustrator for 3 or 4 years, but I have had small jobs here and there since I was 18.

I started doing the edits for Outlander because I was reading the books and could picture the characters so vividly. It was fun to draw things as I read. I started imagining different situations in which the characters would have to face odd challenges in modern life. I guess it made me giggle. It was a great way to combine reading with drawing.

I haven't done as much art for one show as I've done for Outlander. I have a few drawings of Game of Thrones and one or two of The Handmaid's Tale. Harry Potter always pops up for Christmas, too. I guess it just depends on what I've been watching. You can really tell what shows I like just by having a look at my posts on Instagram. I enjoy being a fan :)

How much time do you spend every day on art for Outlander?
It depends. In the past, I used to draw something every time a fun situation came up in the books. Then I started imagining them in our world. I had a period of time where they were off doing their own things, popping into other shows that I was enjoying at the time, and eventually drew random ideas. I tried to draw something for every episode in season 3, but couldn't really keep up with it. It sometimes felt forced. Now I only draw it if I feel inspired by fans suggestions, or if someone special, like the Southern Sassenachs' charity group, needs drawings for a fundraiser.

What do you like most about the Outlander books and show?
It's always exciting when you find a book you can't put down. It had been a very long time since I'd had that experience. Outlander was a happy mistake. I was looking for something to read and remembered a show called Highlander. I bought Outlander thinking it was connected. To my surprise I LOVED every second of it. I got to learn about Scottish history in a way I never had before, and share facts I'd learned with my Scottish father.

I love the story in the books, the rich characters and plots. I am thrilled the TV show has really kept the magic from the books alive. The music and cinematography really help it come together in an epic way. It makes me proud of my Scottish roots.

Which character in Outlander is your favourite?

I love Claire's character. She's an outsider. I felt that she was similar to me in that way. My visits to Scotland were always as a young foreign girl. I had a different accent, but loved spending my summers there. Claire finds a way to fit in, and is such a brilliant and strong woman. A great role model for many girls out there. Plus, she can hold her whisky! (That is not something I have ever mastered)

How has Outlander affected your life and/or lifestyle?
It has affected me in many ways. It connected me to my roots. It gave me an amazing fan art experience and it also made me want to study storyboarding and camera work. The show is of great quality, with amazing acting and commitment to the books. Bringing something as gorgeous as that to the screen is a work of art in itself, and has made me want to be part of a production team that makes things like that happen. 

Is this the first fandom you are a member of? What made you decide to join this fandom, rather than any other one?
I was (still am) a real Potterhead. That was my first fandom. I followed it like crazy. There was an artist call Tealin who was my idol. She (I think it was a she) posted all sorts of Harry Potter fan art. As a teenager, I would spend my days trying to draw like her. When Outlander came along I just started drawing the characters. Somehow people found my work online and seemed to like it. I got invited to the Fandom and discovered the passion and love everyone has for the books. It has been amazing to be a part of it.
Have you met any of the actors from Outlander, or Diana? If so, which personality from the Outlander stories did you enjoy meeting the most? If not, who most would you like to meet?
I sadly haven't met anyone in person BUT I have been lucky enough to receive nice. tweets from Duncan Lacroix and Diana herself. I bounced around when I saw those. I was also lucky enough to design Matthew B. Robert's logo on Instagram. That has been thanks to the amazing comments people have made and the encouragement I've received.

I have no idea who I'd like to meet. Everyone in that cast is AMAZING. I guess if I were to choose, it would be Cesar Domboy. He came in later, and was able to expand on a character that we had already grown to love. It can't have been an easy role to portray. I've loved drawing his character.

Please tell us how you got involved in the Southern Sassenachs charity?I've always liked working with charities. I've volunteered my whole life, and this is one more way to be able to contribute to a great cause. I received an email from the Southern Sassenachs', asking if I would be willing to donate some work and help raise money for a great cause. It was a fun challenge to try and design something Outlander fans might like, while knowing that all proceeds were donated to charity.

It started as a one-off, but it has now become somewhat of a tradition each year. It's fun to figure out something that introduces old and new characters in ways that suit the plot for each season.

What keeps you connected to the Outlander fandom?
I guess I feel the connection more when the charity is raising money with my drawings. When people contact me because they've seen Outlander designs, and want to get a drawing of their friends surrounding Jamie (for example), or at fun times when someone in the fandom sends me something I might enjoy on Twitter.

I love all those interactions. It's amazing to be thinking of a scene for a drawing, and being able to ask a question about something really specific on Twitter and have an answer that's bang on. The Outlander fandom is unreal.

What do you have coming up next?
I'm not sure. I thought of a book with a lot of the Outlander drawings I've been posting during the years (with new ones of course), but I've not had a chance to really plan it out. We'll see.

Below are all the ways for people to find me on Social media:

All graphics and edited formats for this blog by,  Dorianne Panich 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan video interviews

The last 3 months have been filled with interview promos and Q&A's with Cait and Sam, here are the most recent videos from YouTube, if you haven't had the chance to view them all.

Gold Derby panel for the Emmys, from season 3!

Radio times

LA Times

This Morning

Den of Geeks

2018 BAFTA red carpet from various press

Starz, for Emmy considerations 2018

Produced by Dorianne Panich

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Outlander - 'The Fans Who Make It' - Series by Roma Sars

Hello everyone! (From Roma Sars on "My Outlander Friends" on Facebook)

As a member of the Outlander fandom, I have visited many websites and blogs by fans who interview the actors, production staff and others involved with the making of the Outlander series.
I have also seen fans collect tens of thousands of dollars for the charities of their favourite actors, as well as fans making the most beautiful art and videos, all dedicated to the Outlander story.

What motivates the fans do this? Why have some of them devoted the best part of their days to the Outlander story?
So far, no-one has interviewed these fans who are behind these websites, blogs and twitter handles, some of them with thousands of followers.

So, I thought that I should be the one to do that, and I have approached some of them and found them conducive to do interviews.
In doing so, I hope to understand this obsession which has taken a hold of me ever since I discovered the Outlander story in 2015.

This will be the start of my “Outlander- the fans who make it” series of interviews.
I hope you will like what I will post, as I am sure I am going to enjoy doing it.

(This interview has been conducted by Roma Sars of, My Outlander Friends!)

My next interview in the ‘Outlander- the fans who make it’ series is with Nancy Roach, otherwise known as “The White Sow” on twitter.
I have enjoyed the White Sow’s edits and Gifs and videos from the start; they are very entertaining.
The person behind the alias is just as interesting, so I hope you enjoy this interview.

Please tell us about yourself.
My name is Nancy Roach. I’m 64, and a retired Director of Volunteer Services from Cape Fear Valley Health System in the US. I have way too many hobbies. Past hobbies include acting in community theater, playing the guitar, performing in a folk singing group in Middle and High School, drawing and visual art, knitting, restoring, researching and collecting dolls (I went to graduate school to become a curator of dolls at a children’s museum, but decided not to pursue this), collecting jewelry and faceted gem stones, researching family history, reading, and now, I’m addicted to the Outlander books and television series.

What made you decide to choose the “White Sow” twitter handle and can you tell us a little bit about that?
First of all, I don’t own a pig. I get asked that a lot. The pig is a figment of my imagination. I joined Twitter in August 2016, connecting with other Outlander fans, and quickly became a fan of @SummerPic /@purpleiris13‘s Poptoons and @beachcrazy70’s reenactments of Outlander scenes, with her extensive Barbie doll collection. I loved the idea that other fans were representing animals from the books on Twitter, i.e. Donas the Horse, Clarence the Mule, Adso the Cheetie, etc. In November, I asked if anyone had taken the White Sow character on Twitter. Fortunately, no one had, so I rushed to create an account and started tweeting that night. I developed a Facebook page for her too.

The White Sow is an outlet for my sense of humor. Laughter and creativity are my survival mechanisms. When I’m the pig, I try to make myself laugh. Try explaining to your family and friends, who know nothing of the series, why you’re a pig on Twitter!

How much time do you spend every day on Outlander?
I probably spend too much time. I make videos and gifs, using an app called Framy, a photo editing app, and a movie app. This can take quite a lot of time to create. My first creation was a YouTube video retelling of the print shop scene from the White Sow’s point of view. 

Of course, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich Claire took back with her through the stones was a focal point for the White Sow and her voracious appetite. When Season 3 began, I did a Framy video summary of most of the segments that lead up to the print shop episode.

I have to admit I get “lost” in the process. I really enjoyed creating this gif of Fraser’s Ridge.
I also photo shop the pig a lot with members of the cast.

Lately I’ve been experimenting with a Talking Pets app, so the White Sow can talk and sing. The latest one is attached below.

I’m also one of the administrators for the Outlander North Carolina Facebook group, founded by Beth Pittman, for Outlander fans all around the world who are interested in our state as it relates to the books. 

We are currently working on our first big event “A Fraser’s Ridge Homecoming”, on September 20-23 in Ferguson, NC. Our event is designed to give attendees the experience of Fraser’s Ridge, complete with the beautiful fall scenery of the North Carolina Mountains. 
We have a limited number of tickets. For more information click on this link. 

What do you like most about the Outlander books and show?
I love historical fiction. These books have that, plus a wonderful romantic element. However, it’s the words that hold me captive. Diana Gabaldon writes with such intelligence, and of course, a sense of humor. I love to read, but I don’t think I’ll ever find an author whose writing I love more than DG.
I also love watching the Television series, to see how elements of the book are worked into the screen story. Casting for the show has been spot on. I’ve fallen in love with all of the actors and their amazing talents, as well as the authentic sets, costuming, and scenery that complete the picture. Starz has a hit on their hands, and will be smart to continue to fund additional seasons.

Which character in Outlander is your favourite (apart from the Sow)? Well, (sigh), I have to admit, it is James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser “Himself”. I don’t have a husband, but I can live vicariously through the relationship between Claire and Jamie. It doesn’t hurt that Sexy Sam Heughan plays the role in the series.

How has Outlander affected your life and/or lifestyle?
Unfortunately, I’m obsessed with Outlander, and everything about it. In September last year, I was thrilled to meet Diana Gabaldon at the Bookmarks event in Winston Salem, NC, and get her to sign a copy of Drums of Autumn to the White Sow.

Is this the first fandom you are a member of? What made you decide to join this fandom, rather than any other one?
When I was a young teen I was obsessed with the Beatles, Monkees, Leonard Whiting from Romeo and Juliet, etc., but this fandom goes way beyond that. I first read Outlander after my mother died. I sobbed throughout the book, especially at the ending. I was my mother’s primary caregiver. She died in my home, and it was an emotional roller coaster. Outlander helped me through the grieving process, and was very cathartic for me. When I finished Outlander, I immediately downloaded Voyager on my Kindle, and couldn’t stop until I’d devoured the whole series, reread it, and downloaded the audible version. Although I loved my laptop and Kindle, social media was an alien creature I feared, and looked upon with distain. OK, Outlander made me drink the Kool Aid. Now I’m addicted.

Have you been to any Outlander fan events or Cons and met any of the actors or Diana? Who would you want to meet?
The only thing I could afford was the Bookmarks event in Winston Salem, NC in September 2017. Diana was the closing speaker. I was thrilled to meet her briefly and have her sign my books to the White Sow.

I would love to meet Sam someday.

What keeps you connected to the Outlander fandom?
Facebook and Twitter Outlander fans, Diana and actors on Twitter, the TV series and of course rereading all of the novels.

What do you have coming up next?
Good question. The Framy app I have been using changed completely in May, with their latest upgrade. Gone are all of the fun editing features, characters, animals, plants, special effects, etc. that you could add to your videos. Right now I’m trying to find some alternatives and doing some Talking Pet videos. I would like to design a White Sow T-shirt in the future.

All graphics and edited formats for this blog by,  Dorianne Panich