
Thursday, October 8, 2015


It's time....

RALLY THE OUTLANDER CLAN! PCA's nomination process voting starts Tuesday, October 13 10amET/7amPT/3pmBST & Midnight AEST between Tuesday, October 13 and Wednesday, October 14. We want an ‪#‎Outlander‬ Favorite Cable SciFi/Fantasy TV Show WIN repeat and more wins for our beloved cast for ‪#‎PCA2016‬Spread the word worldwide. Rest those fingers Lasses and Lads we have a battle to win. TULACH ARD! CAISTEAL DHUNI! 

Here's the plan:
BLITZ THE VOTE! Start the day off by voting were Outlander has been nominated already, won't know which until site opens. We'll post the links here and on Twitter. Remember to include the voting links always and every time you post or tweet. 

We'll look at write-in possibilities and post if it's even worth spending precious time on this time intensive effort.

BLITZ GIVEAWAY! We'll hols a mini giveaway on the 13th only, awarding some verra special prizes for tweet use the hashtag‪#‎OutlanderPCA2016‬ Details on our PCA Giveaway will be posted soon.

Go on their face book now

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