
Friday, June 3, 2016

“Never Trust A Fox” - Our recap of season 2 episode 8 by your Aussie blogging lass!

OutlanderHomepage Originals By Susie Brown 

** Before we get started **
It was always going to be a difficult task to follow the “Faith” episode. That episode was so full of emotion and touched so many people on a personal level that it stands to reason that episode 8 would suffer by comparison. But then add to that the fact that episode 8 diverted the most strongly from Diana Gabaldon’s books, in a way that the author herself had stated she wasn’t fond of and you were bound to get some concern from the fandom. It’s safe to say that this latest episode is the most controversial so far. Many have liked it, but many more have not. Your humble reviewer falls into this second category - but will attempt to be neutral whilst recapping the events!

Almost as if it were a bad dream, all traces of France have been removed from the opening credits. In place of the opulence of Paris, we now have the sweeping landscapes of Scotland once again, complete with some allusions to the 20th century, with its future characters and events. 

Battle scenes are prevalent too and the whole atmosphere is one of determination - a warrior feel, before the episode even begins. As the theme music, wholly sung in English once more, fades away, a single high whistle continues the melody with bagpipes gently underscoring the tune. A fox fixes its gaze on the viewer. Foxes are often symbolic of trickery and deceit, so we already have a hint of what may lie in store as the episode plays out.

Claire’s voiceover announces that they had come to Scotland to heal and the opening minutes of the episode certainly indicate this. Enough time has passed for Jenny and Ian to have had another baby and for some happiness to show in the faces of Jamie, Claire and Fergus, who has accompanied them to Scotland. Back in her tartan clothing instead of fine French fashion, 

Claire greets an excited Rabbie McNab, who has just harvested the first potato of the new crop. Inside the house, Jenny, Claire, Jamie, Mrs Crook and the children crowd around the potatoes tipped onto the table, admiring the new fruits of the harvest. Jenny thanks Claire for the suggestion to plant them, remarking what a fine crop it is. It is soon obvious that noone knows how to prepare a potato however, until Fergus and Claire share their knowledge:

boiled and eaten with salt and butter, roasted or mashed with milk. Jamie good naturedly teases Claire about her cooking ability and when she responds that she is confident in her ability to boil a potato, he pulls her towards him, saying that they will have a feast. Their easy affection and closeness is heartwarming and serves as another reminder that time has indeed passed and the healing powers of Scotland have been weaving their magic. 

Ian and Murtagh appear with the mail and the potato reverie is over. Everyone settles down with their letters: Claire’s is from Louise, while Jenny’s contains a bill, a letter from their Aunt Jocasta and some books. Ian, Jamie and Murtagh are discussing the repair of some equipment, with Murtagh commenting that he never thought he’d be a farmer. 

Their easy conversation is brought to a halt though, when Jamie opens his own letter. Jared has written, expressing his pride in his cousin and enclosing a paper bearing the Stuart crest. It is a declaration of the Stuart right to the English throne, signed by all the Highland lairds who support the cause and Charles has brazenly forged Jamie’s signature.  Murtagh reads the rest of the news: Charles has landed in Scotland and begun to form his army. The scene ends with the realisation of what this all means: the distribution of the list immediately makes Jamie a traitor to the crown. As a result, their campaign to stop the Jacobite rebellion before it begins is over - Jamie now has no choice but to join the battle. 
It seems almost cruel to the viewer: 6 minutes into the episode and the longed for viewing of happiness and healing is done!

Alone on the hillside, Jamie and Claire discuss the implications of Charles’ actions. Claire wants to leave, saying that they can go to Ireland or the colonies, and take their friends and family with them. Jamie will be hanged as a traitor to the British if caught, so they must leave.

But the restorative power of Scotland is most emphasised in the conversation to follow. Jamie is no longer the “half man” that he was in France. His determination has returned and with it, his warrior confidence. He will not leave his tenants to the mercy of the British butchers. They know what happens if the Jacobites lose, Jamie says, but what if they win? 

This time it is Jamie convincing Claire that they can still change the future, arguing that she has already done so in the saving of young Thomas Baxter, for preventing small pox from entering Paris and for ensuring that Louise de Rohan did not attempt to abort Charles Stuart’s baby. Claire can’t believe that Jamie wants to fight for Prince Charles, but Jamie corrects her: he wants to fight for their family and for Scotland. There is no other way, he says. Claire reluctantly agrees, saying that she can’t think of an alternative that they could live with and adding that the definition of insanity is described as doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. With an affectionate stroke of her face, Jamie responds that he’ll wager that whoever said that has never travelled through time. The scene ends in another embrace, with Jamie gazing across the hills in determination: the Laird has indeed returned. 

The decision made, the planning begins. Ian, Murtagh and Jamie start talking of men, meeting places and timelines, with Jamie instructing Murtagh to bring the men to join himself and Claire in two weeks’ time. 

When Claire asks where they will be in the ensuing fortnight, he replies that he has been dispatched by Prince Charles to get support from one of his kinsman, Lord Simon Fraser of Lovat. Jenny overhears the name and is immediately incredulous. In describing the “old fox” to Claire, the viewer learns why Jenny is so against Jamie asking for his help. The supposed head of Clan Fraser of Lovat is known for changing allegiances, depending on which side will line his pockets the best. In fact, Jamie and Jenny have only seen their grandfather once, after their mother had died and their father had thrown the old fox out of Lallybroch. Jamie explains that there is bad blood between the Mackenzies and the Lovats, with Lord Lovat once attempting to have Jamie’s mother kidnapped to prevent the marriage between Ellen Mackenzie and Brian Fraser. While Claire comments that this is a situation of which Prince Charles is undoubtedly unaware, the siblings continue their argument. Jenny says that it is degrading and a fool’s errand to expect Jamie to crawl to a man who does nothing that isn’t in his best interest and never without a price. But drawing himself up to his full height and using his sister’s given name, Jamie hisses that what would be foolish would be letting pride stop him from saving Lallybroch, Scotland and everything that they hold dear. This silences Jenny and Jamie announces that they will leave for Beaufort Castle the following morning.

Alone in their room later, Jamie confesses to Claire that he hasn’t been totally honest about his family history. His father, Brian Fraser was the bastard son of Lord Lovat and a kitchen maid. Although acknowledged by Lord Lovat and raised at Beaufort Castle, Brian was still illegitimate, a fact that Jamie feels that he should have told Claire, accusing himself of being cowardly. 

Claire reassures him that his father’s parentage makes no different to her and suggests that they go to bed. For the first time ever in a love scene between the two, the screen “fades to black”, a decision that no doubt resulted in howls of protest from the fandom at large! 

A little later, Claire wakes alone in the bed, hearing Jamie’s voice downstairs. She walks out onto the landing and comes upon Jamie whispering in Gaelic to his young niece. 
Claire’s eyes fill with tears to see the tender way that Jamie is talking to the baby. Jenny comes out and joins her, explaining that neither Jamie nor her daughter could sleep, so he had taken her off Jenny’s hands for a while. The conversation between Jenny and Claire is beautifully touching. Jenny explains how it is possible to speak to a baby like you can speak to no other; without worrying about choosing your words, adding how such a conversation can comfort the soul. Jenny says that it is the same way that a mother speaks to a child before it is born, turning to Claire and saying “You know.” 

It is a brief but moving acknowledgement to what Claire has lost and Claire’s eyes fill with tears again as she answers, “Yes. I know.” Jenny continues, saying that unlike a mother, a man waits until the child is born, but then feels all the things that could be as well all the things that will never be. Claire continues to watch Jamie and we see the longing on her face. It is a particularly poignant moment for viewers, given their knowledge from episode 1. Is this the only time that Claire will watch Jamie with an infant in his arms?

Morning comes and so do the farewells. Ian and Claire embrace, telling each other to take care of their respective Frasers. Jenny presents Jamie with a set of rosary beads, saying that they brought Ian safely home to her from France. Jamie good naturedly teases his sister, remarking on the fact that Jenny had given Ian a token for France and not him, despite Ian not being betrothed to Jenny at the time. 
But this time Jenny doesn’t bite, wrapping Jamie in a tearful embrace and saying that if he doesn’t come back, she will never forgive him. Jamie kisses her forehead, telling her that never is a very long time. 

Some humour is provided at this point by Fergus, who appears awkwardly riding a mule and announcing his intention to go “with milord”. On being told he must stay behind with Jenny and Ian and work in the stables until Jamie returns, Fergus appeals to Claire. 

Hadn’t she said that he would always have a home with them? Claire tries to answer, but Jamie interrupts, agreeing that Fergus’ place is with them and promising to keep him away from the fighting. Jamie tells Murtagh to bring Fergus along a fortnight later, which Murtagh agrees to do, as long as he hasn’t killed the boy first! Jamie tells Fergus to obey his commander, indicating Murtagh, who responds with some marvellously gruff eyebrow acting. Finally Claire and Jenny embrace, Jenny giving Claire some last minute advice to watch out for her grandsire. As the music that accompanied the couple’s journey to France plays in the background, Jamie and Claire ride away, this time heading towards Beaufort Castle. 

Claire’s voiceover provides detail about Lord Lovat. For the past 50 years, Jamie’s grandfather has been switching loyalties between the exiled King James and the British monarchs. He has had three wives and indulged in many extra-marital affairs. As they enter the courtyard, Jamie and Claire are met with some suspicious stares, before being shown into a room of the castle. 

As Jamie starts to pick some teasel heads from his wife’s hair, they are interrupted by a familiar voice, telling Jamie to leave them, as they suit Claire. The voice belongs to Colum McKenzie, who has, he says, arrived that morning to discuss a response to the rebellion with Lord Lovat and assumes that Jamie is there to do the same. Colum takes Claire’s hand, saying that he is pleased to see her looking well.

But this is not a welcome reunion. Claire snatches her hand back, reminding Colum of the witch trial. Colum says that he doesn’t understand the implication that he had something to do with Claire’s involvement in that, saying that he understood Claire to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Claire agrees, but that this was only due to the letter provided by Laoghaire. Colum assures her that he had Laoghaire beaten for the gross overstepping of her place and had intended to throw her out of Leoch, but had been persuaded by Mrs Fitz, who had promised to keep the girl in check. Jamie asks if Dougal has accompanied Colum, the older man saying that it had been decided that it would be best for the clan if Dougal remained at his estate. 

Claire and Jamie are confused at this, as they had assumed that Dougal would lead the clan into battle. The conversation is stopped abruptly by the entry of Lord Lovat, who wastes no time in insulting everyone else in the room. Jamie stands up for himself, saying that at least he didn’t need to resort to rape or trickery to find himself a wife, earning a brief bark of laughter as a result. Lord Lovat tells Claire to leave, so that he can talk politics with his grandson and his rival. After a brief nod from Jamie, Claire shoots the old fox a barely disguised look of contempt and stalks from the room. 

Outside, Claire waits for Jamie’s meeting to finish, when she is caught off guard by the appearance of an apparently contrite Laoghaire, who has accompanied Colum to Beaufort Castle, at Mrs Fitz’s insistence. 

Modestly dressed and capped, Laoghaire kneels, claiming to have found God and wanting to express her regret for her past evil actions towards Claire. But rather than accept the apology, Claire tells Laoghaire how she has often thought of what she would do if she met her accuser again, and how every option had ended with lighting a pyre and dancing on Laoghaire’s ashes. Claire says that she doesn’t hate Laoghaire, but rather pities her and the dark places she must have inhabited in her quest to gain something that she would never have. 

The younger woman begins to cry as Claire tells her that she had better find another way of getting right with God, as she can’t help her. 

When recounting what happened to Jamie afterwards, Claire muses that perhaps God had brought them together after all, as she feels lighter. Jamie, meanwhile, comments that he wouldn’t have given the time of day to the “brazen wee besom”. Talk turns to dinner, where Claire learns that she is welcome to accompany Jamie to dinner, as Lord Lovat is partial to a bit of “decoration” at the table - with the provison that she doesn’t speak. Claire shoots Jamie a look, but takes his hand as they head downstairs. 

From her mute position at the dinner table, Claire spends her time watching proceedings carefully. Jamie is at his determined best, speaking passionately to the assembled guests of the need to show the British that they will not be put down, that they must unite behind the exiled King, in order to fight and win. Colum tries to discredit Jamie, remarking sarcastically of Jamie’s insight into the French perspective and mocking the news that France has not officially yet provided its support. Getting to his feet, Jamie continues his speech, saying that while French support will be welcomed, they do not in fact need it, listing the strength of the army already assembled. 

Meanwhile Laoghaire is pouring wine for the men, watched by one young man in particular. Lord Lovat’s son, moved by either Laoghaire’s closeness or Jamie’s words, gets to his feet to say that the British have offered a reward for the capture of Charles, which is an indication that the British must consider the Prince a serious threat. Jamie jumps on this, asking his cousin outright whether he will join the cause. 

But Lord Lovat immediately discredits his son’s news, saying that the British could therefore end the rebellion for thirty thousand pounds, which would cost considerably less than waging war. His son admits that he hadn’t thought of that, leading Lord Lovat to publicly humiliate him, telling him to sit down and not speak again. With a sleazy grab at Laoghaire, Lord Lovat orders her to bring them more wine, along with a glass of milk for his son. With that the war talk is over. 

On the way back to their quarters, Jamie and Claire discuss the state of play. Claire says that Colum appeared to be using Jamie to convince Lord Lovat not to join the rebellion. Jamie explains that Colum will not support another uprising after the rebellions of previous years have failed. Colum wishes Lovat’s clan to remain neutral along with the Mackenzies, knowing that the smaller clans will follow and that the rebellion will collapse before it even starts. It is a somewhat ironic position for them to be in - not long before, Jamie and Claire would have welcomed this opinion, as it would have fit in with their plan to stop the Jacobite rebellion altogether. But now that Jamie has been tied to Charles Stuart, they must change tack completely. 

Claire asks why Colum just doesn’t speak to Lovat directly, but Jamie explains that his grandfather doesn’t trust his uncle and that using him instead is a much more effective strategy. 
He decides that he must speak to his grandfather alone, expressing regret that young Simon is a spineless creature, as the old fox’s son could probably influence his father’s decision if he showed more strength of character.  Suddenly Jamie realises that Lord Lovat declined to say no to the rebellion when given the perfect opportunity at dinner, leading him to the conclusion that the old fox wants something. 

The next day, Claire is walking the hallways and sees Lord Lovat throw an older woman out of his quarters, shouting that she knows something that she is not telling him. 
After checking that the woman is unharmed and introducing herself, Claire discovers that the woman is Maisri, Lord Lovat’s seer. Claire tries to talk to her but Maisri runs off before she can engage her in conversation.

Meanwhile, Jamie’s meeting with Lord Lovat begins on rocky ground, with the older man speaking disrespectfully of Jamie’s mother and branding his father a fool, for choosing Ellen and Lallybroch over Lovat’s offer of making him his heir, despite his illegitimate status. The old fox follows this up with a question, asking Jamie if it’s true that he hasn’t sworn fealty to Colum. Jamie asks him if that’s what he’s after: Jamie’s fealty for sending aid to Prince Charles.  

Lovat replies that he’s more interested in what would come with it: Lallybroch. Jamie loses his temper at this point, saying that if he wouldn’t give his fealty to Colum, who he knew he was related to, why would he give it to a man who may or may not be his blood, openly implying that Lovat may have not been the only person to bed his kitchen maid. This causes Lovat to laugh explosively, saying that if Jamie would imply that his grandmother was a whore in order to keep what he wants, then it proves that the two men are indeed kin, adding that he wishes his son had half of Jamie’s mettle. 

Jamie offers his grandfather a similar fealty to the one he gave to Colum: his help and goodwill while he stands on Lovat soil. But Lovat refuses: he wants Lallybroch and offers an alternative deal. If Jamie won’t give him Lallybroch in exchange for men for Prince Charles, perhaps he would give him Lallybroch in exchange for Claire’s honour? He continues by making a thinly veiled threat, that many men would like to put “the Sassenach wench” to the only use she’s good for and that Jamie cannot guard his wife night and day. 

Refusing to rise to the bait, Jamie instead invokes the La Dame Blanche story to great effect upon his superstitious grandfather, saying that anyone who attempts to take Claire in an unholy embrace will find their private parts blasted like a frostbitten apple and their soul will burn forever in hell. To illustrate his point, he dramatically throws a bottle of whisky into the fire which explodes into flames.

Back in their room, Jamie tells Claire of Lovat’s healthy belief in the supernatural, warning her that she should take care for the next few days. Claire disputes the older man’s fear, saying that he hadn’t seemed scared of Maisri, adding that Lovat really is a brute. Jamie agrees, adding that the old fox is a brute who may soon own his ancestral home. Claire can’t believe that Jamie would seriously consider giving Lovat what he wants, but Jamie argues that if he can’t even persuade his own grandfather, then how will others believe in his ability to lead men and wage war? 

Claire offers an alternative: getting young Simon to stand up to his father and pledge his own support for the rebellion. Jamie agrees that such an action may force Lovat to send men, even if only to protect his son and heir, but expresses doubt that Simon would ever do such a thing. But Claire has a plan of her own, saying that it may depend on what they use to boost his confidence. 

The next scene sees Claire seek out Laoghaire, finding the young woman sniffing Jamie’s shirt as she hangs out the washing. 

Laoghaire says that she has done nothing to the shirt, repeating that she really has changed.  Laoghaire says that she had thought that God had brought Claire and Jamie to her so that she could make amends, but that Jamie had barely acknowledged her in the hall. She tells Claire that if Claire will not avenge herself then she should leave her alone. Claire responds, over Laoghaire’s fervent hail Marys, that perhaps she could find a way to forgive the younger woman, adding that although Jamie will never love her, perhaps Laoghaire could earn his forgiveness by helping them convince Young Simon to stand up to his father. 

Claire explains that Young Simon is infatuated with Laoghaire and that she could use this attraction to persuade him. Laoghaire is indignant, refusing to “give up her maidenhead” for Claire. Claire counters that she need not do anything of the sort, adding that a woman has more to offer a man than her body. In return for Laoghaire’s help, Claire confirms that she will speak to Jamie on the younger woman’s behalf. 

Meanwhile Colum and Jamie are trying to convince each other that their’s is the right course of action. Jamie tells Colum that remaining neutral will be seen as treason by whichever side is victorious, while Colum says that the other rebellions failed due to lack of outside support, which is still the case with the latest cause. If they don’t send men to fight, Colum reasons, then this rebellion too will melt away and they will be left alone. He adds that Lovat would agree with him too, were it not for the temptation of Lallybroch. Making a final plea, Colum tells Jamie that while Jamie has always been headstrong, he has never been reckless with the lives of others. 

He begs Jamie not to make a deal with Lovat and not to trade his home for a war he cannot win. Instead, Jamie promises to do everything in his power to save the things that the two men hold most dear. In this scene, we see a Colum who is beginning to suffer more visibly from his condition. He looks older, his face is paler and he moves more awkwardly, grimacing in pain and grasping onto the table occasionally for support, as well as sinking awkwardly into a chair when Jamie leaves the room. Yet he remains a proud man, with neutrality a far more palatable option than a war in which he could never participate. 

The next scene opens with Claire walking arm in arm with Young Simon, chatting companionably about the chapel, the peaceful surroundings and what changes Simon will make when he himself becomes Lord Lovat. 

It is a walk reminiscent of the one Claire took with Alex Randall in Paris and indeed, this is a similarly calculated affair. Laoghaire, now minus her modest cap, appears at a convenient moment, allowing Claire to claim the need for a few private moments in the chapel and leaving the two alone. Laoghaire begins her best flirtatious moves, but Young Simon proves a difficult target, 
awkwardly reciting poetry instead of engaging in conversation. 

Inside the chapel, Claire finds the seer Maisri, who is initially fearful of her, asking what a white lady would be doing inside a church. Claire remarks that it is cold outside and says that she is pleased to see that Maisri is all right, after what she had witnessed with Lord Lovat. 

Maisri replies that Lovat is not an easy master, asking Maisri to tell what she sees and beating her if her visions are not to his liking.  When Claire asks if everything Maisri sees does in fact come true, Maisri replies that this is mostly the case, although sometimes an action can change things. Buoyed by this, Claire asks what Maisri saw and the older woman tells her, retelling a vision that is symbolic of an execution. Claire remarks that if Maisri tells Lovat, perhaps the old fox can change his behaviour and be spared, but Maisri points out that he could also kill the messenger.  Their conversation is interrupted by Laoghaire, who is calling for Claire. On going outside, Claire discovers that Young Simon has run off, after Laoghaire, in desperation when her practised flatteries weren’t working, had let him look down the front of her gown. 

Exasperated, Claire stalks towards the castle, saying that she had told Laoghaire that it wasn’t meant to be about sex. 

Finding Jamie in the stables, the two exchange reports of their unsuccessful attempts in persuading both Colum and Young Simon. Claire tells Jamie of Maisri’s vision, with Jamie adding that it would have been helpful if they knew whether the traitor’s death had come at the hands of King George or King James. Jamie remarks that he had told Colum that he would do what he must to save the highlanders and that he can’t get Lord Lovat’s men without giving up his land. Claire says that it is too much and that they should just go to Charles with the men from Lallybroch, but Jamie will not go to the Prince as a failure and failing Claire declaring herself to be a visitor from the future with specific knowledge of the battle to come, he has no choice but to sacrifice Lallybroch. 

In the following scene, the old fox proves himself to be what Jenny had said he was: someone who is motivated by his own interests. 

Lovat displays two separate legal documents: an agreement of neutrality between his men and the Mackenzies of Leoch, as well as a deed of sasine for Lallybroch estate. The decision is Jamie’s: if he signs, then he gets the Lovat men for the rebellion, if he doesn’t, then Colum gets his neutrality.  After a moment’s thought, and with Claire, Laoghaire and Young Simon looking on anxiously whilst Colum makes a last ditch attempt to dissuade him, Jamie announces that he is doing this to ensure the future for his family and people and moves forward to sign the deed. At precisely this moment, 

Claire draws the attention to herself, dramatically collapsing upon “seeing” a vision involving Lord Lovat. Picking up on Claire’s cue, Jamie rushes to her side, telling everyone that Claire had been tried as a witch by those who didn’t understand the difference between black magic and the power of the old ones. Claire proceeds to describe the events that Maisri had foretold, but helpfully adds that the executioner is standing on a bed of white roses, the symbol of the Jacobites. Lovat reacts with violence, drawing a knife and racing towards Claire, threatening to cut out her tongue. He is quickly stopped, but not by Jamie. 

Instead it is Young Simon who steps into his father’s path and grabs onto his arm. With a look towards Laoghaire for support, Simon says that Lovat and Colum are fearful old men. He says that Jamie is right and it is their duty to stand up for their country and their kinsmen, promising to fight for King James and to change the white lady’s vision even if Lovat himself will not. Lovat responds by turning his back on his son and promptly signs the neutrality pact with Colum.

The following morning, Jamie and Claire are preparing to leave. Young Simon joins them, saying that he will be proud to fight alongside them and will wait for them outside the gates. Jamie remarks that they are going to Charles empty handed after all, but Claire says that at least they have been able to save Lallybroch. 

Seeing Colum waiting by his coach, Jamie goes to bid his uncle farewell. Colum tries one last time to convince Jamie to return home to Lallybroch, even asking Claire if she can do nothing to change Jamie’s mind and saying that he can only be happy that Jamie’s mother had not lived to see her son become so reckless. Yet there is still affection between the two men, with Jamie helping Colum into the carriage and putting his hand over his uncle’s in a brief gesture of farewell.

 Before they depart themselves, Claire asks Jamie to go and thank Laoghaire. 

He is shocked, asking what he is meant to thank her for, sarcastically suggesting that perhaps he should be grateful for Laoghaire not attempting to have Claire arrested in the past few days. But Claire is insistent and so Jamie agrees. Approaching Laoghaire, he makes a formal bow of apology, stating that he doesn’t know why he is thanking her, but is doing it all the same. Laoghaire replies that she hopes that one day she will be able to earn his forgiveness. He turns away without speaking further and does not hear her final words... 

“and your love.” This is a signal to the viewer: Laoghaire hasn’t changed that much after all. 

As they ride towards Kingussie, Jamie, Claire and Young Simon are suddenly met by a group of Lord Lovat’s men, led by the old fox himself. 

Simon is dispatched to see to the men and Lovat jokes that making a soldier out of his son will be a greater feat than defeating the British. He asks Claire what vision she has for him now and it becomes obvious that he had not been taken in by Claire’s performance at the castle. Jamie explains: it now seems that Lord Lovat has sent his men to support King James and he will receive the credit if they win. However, 
if the British are victorious, Lovat can claim that Simon acted of his own free will, using the neutrality pact with Colum to protect him. Lovat thanks Claire, saying that he couldn’t have gotten it all without her. Jamie says that he hasn’t got Lallybroch, to which the old fox merely says, 

“Not yet” before riding away. The episode ends on a humorous point though, with Jamie asking Claire to reassure him that he is nothing like his grandfather. Claire replies that she has seen evidence of a similarly devious turn of mind in Jamie, who in turns says that they may have to rethink their agreement not to lie to one another. As they ride towards Prince Charles, 

Claire’s voiceover summarises what they have achieved: they have Lovat’s men, Jamie will be in Charles’ good graces and they will have the opportunity to steer the rebellion to victory. Lastly Claire speaks again of Maisri and how the old woman had said they could change the future. Perhaps, says Claire, they already have. 

This was an extremely controversial episode, due to the large alterations that were made to Diana Gabaldon’s original story. In the book, Laoghaire and Colum never come to Beaufort Castle and Young Simon, far from being meek and timid, is an arrogant man who insults Claire in Gaelic. Most importantly, Jamie is never made aware of Laoghaire’s role in having Claire arrested for witchcraft. The producers have stated that they decided to bring Laoghaire back into the story in order to lay the groundwork for future storylines, but book fans know that one of these storylines is far less plausible if Jamie is aware of Laoghaire’s earlier deception. That said, tv and book are two very different media and to this point any changes made to the original have only enhanced the story overall. It is perhaps best then, to trust Ron Moore’s overall “vision” and believe that everything will indeed be all right in the future!

This recap was written by Susie Brown, Outlander Homepage writer, a teacher librarian and children’s writer who lives in Australia. She didn’t like the Laoghaire storyline at all, but is trying to remain positive!

Jaime Panich Graphics and Editing 

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